Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Everyday is a Chance to WIN at this game called LIFE


I woke up and looked over the forever TO DO List. I have to keep a list like most women, because there are so many demands on me. I'm a Mother, a wife, a sister, a aunt, a friend, a best friend, a ultimate girlfriend, a CEO, a producer, a Creator. A you get the picture. And today my list needs three assistants, that I can't afford to pay today. SO I guess, I will start marking things off, one at a time.

I'm going to do the fun things this morning, like call and set another massage. This has been a rough 2 weeks, so I need a little extra loving and a great massage is one way to wipe out the frustration for an hour in a half. Then I'm going to make me a salad, with a early glass of wine and then get started on my list. The truth is, I'm not going to be much good today, cause I don't feel like working. My mind, body and soul is CRAVING a vacation.

So in order to win in this game called LIFE. I must listen to my inner self to win. So today, I'm going to do half my list and then give me some more attention, because I still need it.

Women, listen to your inner soul, it will direct you on how to renew yourself.
